Justin Verlander's lunch bill

2023-11-20 09:44:53

Justin Verlander's lunch bill

In the 2017 World Series, the Houston Astros beat the Los Angeles Dodgers and went on to play (and lose to) the Boston Red Sox in the finals. Evidently the population of Los Angeles held a grudge with the Astro's pitcher, Jason Verlander. Check out Justin Verlander's luncheon bill at an LA restaurant in August of that year.

What do you notice?

What do you wonder?

Students might be interested in or impressed by what a $1 million dollar charge does to Justin Verlander's tip.

Tennis star Mardy Fish was at lunch with Verlander and he posted that he picked up the tip.  Use this interesting event to calculate some percents.  After determining the tip on this million dollar order, students figure out the tax and tip on the order without the million dollar charge, using what they can figure from the tax on the bill.

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