I should have invested!

2023-11-20 09:44:46

I should have invested!


People who have invested their money in the stock markets could have made a lot of money in recent years.  Students use yearly percent increase data to decide which stock: Apple, Disney or Amazon, they should have invested in way back in 2015.

  • What was the net gain of these stocks?
  • How do you figure that?
  • Does the arithmetic or geometric average of those increases equal their total gain or loss over the years?
Middle school students can access this activity by finding percent increases & decreases.  Students can either approximate an annual growth rate or find an exact growth rate by finding the geometric mean of the growth rates. Older students can apply nth roots and write exponential functions to model investment growth over time.  

For Adventurer members we have an editable Word docx, an Excel sheet of our data calculations, and solutions and teaching tips.

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