How much does a Lego cost?

2023-11-20 09:44:31

How much does a Lego cost?

This is a three act task, with an activity guide.  Show students the act one video.  What questions do they have?  How much could the Star Wars kit cost?  Follow the  activity guide, find costs based on the cost of other kits in the video.  Students are using a random sample to determine the cost of the Star Wars kit.  They might take an average cost per block from the sample & proportionately extend that to the number of blocks in the Star Wars kit.  Older students might make a scatter plot of the data & determine a line of best fit that models the cost of a kit for any number of bricks.  Students use their model to find the cost or number of blocks in other kits.  Finally, show the act three video.  Did students predict the actual cost?  If not, what might have accounted for the price difference?

Act I - Different kits, different costs

Act II: You can click here for a chart that gives the number of blocks & prices for each Lego kit.

Act III - solutions. For Adventurer members, see the solutions by clicking "download editable files"

Activity Solutions & Supporting Materials
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