How Many Donuts is That?

2023-11-20 09:44:32

How Many Donuts is That?

Act One:  Take a look at the first picture (Krispy-Kreme-photos). What is the first question that comes to mind? How many donuts is that?  What information would be useful? 

Act Two: Show more pictures. Your students can view all of the pictures and you can offer some extra information (Extra info); 

Act Three: This news clip gives the solution. 

Sequel: Now that you know how many donuts are in the box, what dimensions and number of rows and columns could give this exact number of donuts? Explore other questions such as how many calories are in this box? Extension:  How much did that box of donuts probably cost? 


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Comments (2)
Admin - 2024-02-12 18:19:16
@Yummymath Post Krispy Kreme, S asked how far would I have to run to burn all the calories? Tomorrow's Warm Up ready. — Jackie Selevan (@jselevan) May 26, 2015
Admin - 2024-02-12 18:19:06
Maths group loved How Many Doughnuts @Yummymath Developed resilience and ingenuity @NCETM — Rebecca Bollands (@rebeccabollands) November 16, 2015
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