Geometry of Flooding

2023-11-20 09:44:27

Geometry of Flooding

In 2010, March was so rainy that flooding was the topic of every newscast and many, many conversations. The picture shows how students went home from school in Wayland Mass. on March 31st - on a Duckboat.

This two page investigation asks students to calculate the volume of water generated by inches of rain spread over the surface area of Massachusetts. Specific river catchment areas are then considered to understand the actual voluminous rise of the Sudbury River. Once the volume of water is calculated, students are asked to find approximate river depth change.  This activity could be used in any science or math class, especially if flooding in in the news in your area or nationally.

CCSS: 5.MD, 6.G, 6.EE, 6.RP, 7.G, 7.RP, HSG, HSF

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