2023-11-20 09:44:36
Drinks at the Fair
Drinks at the Fair
At the amusement park, our friend, Jason, was intrigued with this sign for drink deals. He and his family come often to the park and, during the summer when it is hot, naturally drink a lot. Which is the best deal for them?
20 oz. cup for $4.29
30 oz. cup for $4.69
A green refillable mug for $14.99 (free refills on day of purchase, $1 refills on other days)
An orange $24.99 mug that includes unlimited free refills all season.
For Adventurer members we have an editable Word docx, our Excel file, and solutions and teacher tips.
This activity was contributed by Jason Kibbe, Chambersburg Area School District, PA
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