Do the best movies make the most money?

2023-11-20 09:44:41

Do the best movies make the most money?

Do the "Best" movies make the most money?  How could you measure the "best" movie? What information would you need to make this judgement?

At most ten movies are nominated each year to receive an Oscar for the Best Picture. On Sunday, February 9, 2020, this year's Academy Award winners will be announced.  This activity is always timely but should be very exciting during the movie award season.Teachers, when you implement this activity be sure to only give out the first page (or project it) at the beginning.  Pages 2-4 will give away the answers to page one.  Allow kids time to consider and discuss the questions on page one before jumping into the rest of the activity.  This will allow them to make predictions and consider what information is important.

For Adventurer members we have an editable Word docx, our Excel data, and solutions.

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