Collecting the most candy

2023-11-20 09:44:46

Collecting the most candy

Use your student’s Halloween enthusiasm to do a study on volumes.  We’ve created an activity that asks students to calculate the volume of candy containers that are silly and intriguing.  Skip the cone and the sphere to make this activity more useful for 5th or 6th graders or include the whole activity to challenge with a little bit of percent work.

We've also added a Halloween bucket volume for yet another challenge. bucket-pic.pdf

Teachers might consider showing the students the images of candy containers above and asking students which they guess would hold the most candy. (You can show the images larger to your class by clicking on each image.)Then ask them what information they would need to calculate those volumes.

For Adventurer members we have an editable Word docx, solutions, and one more challenge, the bucket.

Download PDF Download Editable Files
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