Can you show that the Pythagorean Theorem works?

2023-11-20 09:44:43

Can you show that the Pythagorean Theorem works?

Use this activity to help your students work through the meaning of the Pythagorean theorem. Pythagorean theorem experiences are often skill and drill work with contrived right triangle problems. In this activity students work with a visual representation of the Pythagorean theorem in order to gain a true conceptual understanding.

Students can engage in several of the math standards of practice: MP3 - construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others, MP4 - model with mathematics, MP7 - look for and make use of structure, and MP8 - look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Students can also engage in practice MP5 - use appropriate tools strategically by using a program such as Geometers Sketchpad or Geogebra to investigate the theorem. Here is a GeogebraTube app on the Pythagorean Theorem  Simply click on and drag points A, B or C to manipulate the model.

Pythagorean Triples - For more Pythagorean practice and appreciation, try this drawing and coloring activity.

Activity Solutions & Supporting Materials
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