Big Papi

2023-11-20 09:44:34

Big Papi


What do you wonder? How many donuts make up this Big Papi tribute? What would be useful to help you figure this out? The following pictures that will open in new windows:  Big Papi Sky View,  Big Papi Head & Shoulders,  Low angle pic,  The number 4, and  From above. Pics from WBZ, WCSH & Dunkin Donuts. Show students the video, take wonderings & questions. Give kids Student Activity Handout: Be sure to give page 1 first.  Then give out the rest of the activity after completing page 1 together. Follow the flow of the activity sheet, let students go through the modeling process. Make sure to orchestrate student sharing of reasoning.  After highlighting student thinking show the video at the bottom of this post to reveal the number of donuts.

Thanks to Jen Ortega for the idea for this activity! Pics and videos from WBZ, WCSH & Dunkin Donuts . 

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