2023-11-20 09:44:47
April Fool's Day fun
April Fool's Day fun
This day is known for pranks and puzzles. Try one of these 4 activities on April Fools Day.
Ask students to analyze where I made my mistake. PerplexingProblem.pdf
CCSS: MP1, MP3, 4.OA, 5.G, 8.EE, 8.SP
For Adventurer members we have solutions.
Or baffle 'em with this Mystical Mathematical Mind Reader (2022) activity. They will think you are pulling one over on them until they figure out the math!
CCSS: 4.OA.4, 5.OA.1, HSA.CED.A.2, MP1, MP3, MP4, MP7, MP8
Or "Who got the extra buck?" or "Where did that extra dollar go?" ExtraBuck.pdf
CCSS: MP1, MP3, 4.OA, 5.G, 8.EE, 8.SP
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