Another year of Never Ending Pasta

2023-11-20 09:44:34

Another year of Never Ending Pasta


On September 15, 2016, Olive Garden again offered a $100 pass for never-ending pasta, bread sticks, salad and coca cola soft drinks.  The 21,000 patrons who quickly (in less than a minute) bought all of the passes will be entitled to as much pasta as they like (with toppings) from October 3 to November 20.  Ask the class to consider these questions:

  • Is this a good deal for patrons?  What are the pros and cons?

  • Will Olive Garden go broke?

  • Is this good for the restaurant chain?

  • Is the pass priced correctly?  If not how much should it cost?

  • How should we start answering these questions?  What information would be useful?


Before beginning this investigation do a little problem solving planning with your class.  Ask students what information they would like to gather in order to analyze the money-making, money-saving, or money-losing potential of this Pasta Pass.  Finally, students create their own all you can eat pass for their favorite restaurant.

Thanks to Brian Shoemaker of Newton Public Schools for suggesting this post.

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