Math and Food


We found 99 post available for you

Lots of Cranberries

Geometry Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events Ratio and Proportion
 The harvest must be nearing completion now and growers are selling their product to make cranberry juice, jelly, sauce, and of course, fresh berries in time for Thanksgiving. In this activit...

The size of chocolates

Number Sense Geometry Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events
In this activity students assume that all of our pieces of chocolate are about the same thickness and proceed to approximate their volumes by comparing only their surface areas.  Consider sh...

Giant Pumpkins 2022

Number Sense Math and Food Ratio and Proportion Data and probability Wow factor
5 pound pumpkin compared to giant pumpkin Let your students marvel at World Record winning giant pumpkins as they use proportions to calculate the quantities of pumpkin puree and th...

How much caffeine are you consuming?

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Math and Food Ratio and Proportion Wow factor
   Did you know that there is an amount of caffeine that is too much for the growing brain of a teenager?  We did some research and have asked students to examine the sources of caffei...

How many gumballs are there?

Number Sense Geometry Math and Food Data and probability
Gumball Machine Problem from Brian Marks on Vimeo This problem is a little puzzle to get your students thinking, estimating, and calculating. We've given you a pdf file w...

Someone ate my cake

Number Sense Math and Food
In this fraction operation and representation activity, students are asked to decide how much of my cake was eaten. Using fraction multiplication (or angle measure if that is where you need an act...

A&W's bigger burger

Number Sense Math and Food Ratio and Proportion
 A&W offered a bigger, tastier burger but it didn't succeed in grabbing customers away from the hugely popular McDonald's quarter pounder. The A&W third pounder...

Mallie's latest Big Burger

Algebra Number Sense Math and Food Ratio and Proportion
It's time to treat your students to ratios, proportions, fractions and BIG BURGERS! In this activity students explore the ratio of the various ingredients in the world's largest burger (pic...

What time should I wake up?

Number Sense Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events
I'm going to surprise my mom with breakfast in bed for Mother's Day. She wakes up pretty early. When do I have to wake up to pull this off?

Banana Art "Comedian"

Algebra Number Sense Math and Food Math and Art Ratio and Proportion Funny
What do you think this activity might be about? What do you wonder? How much would you pay for this piece of art? How much profit is involved in this sale? ...
Display 21 - 30 Of total 99