Data and probability


We found 181 post available for you

Do teams that spend a lot win a lot?

Algebra Number Sense Sports Data and probability
In this activity students compare team wins with team salaries in the four major North American sports ... the NBA, NFL, MLB and NHL.   Students use data from recent seasons to create scatter ...

Hurricanes, Typhoons, and Cyclones

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Data and probability
  Graphic from[ This week Hurricane Fiona caused major damage to Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean, This is the season for increased cyc...

How many gumballs are there?

Number Sense Geometry Math and Food Data and probability
Gumball Machine Problem from Brian Marks on Vimeo This problem is a little puzzle to get your students thinking, estimating, and calculating. We've given you a pdf file w...

Where should I drop my puck

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Ratio and Proportion 3-act tasks Data and probability
  Act 1 - Give students time to view the game board above or give them our one-page activity. The above picture is larger when you click on it. Ask students for their gut reaction about which sl...

Should I buy a gasoline, hybrid, or electric car

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Data and probability
Should you buy a hybrid or an electric car to save money and the planet? Students create equations for finding the break-even points of these vehicles by mileage and years of ownership.  The...

NBA Finals 2022

Number Sense Sports Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
The Celtics will meet the Warriors this year! Teams are competing in the playoffs and the NBA Finals are right around the corner.  Let's do a little sports history and data analysis through ...

The odds of horse race betting

Algebra Number Sense Sports Current events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Rich Strike surprised everyone at the Kentucky Derby horse race in early May by moving from 18th place at the half-way mark (out of 20 horses) to winning the race. Churchill Downs, the track in...

Shooting for Three

Algebra Geometry Sports Data and probability
The NBA court has a 3-point line that separates how many points a player will earn for his team by making a basket from outside of that line. Teams have been shooting more and more th...

Refugees from Ukraine

Number Sense Math and Social Studies Current events Data and probability
We are hearing a lot about the war in Ukraine. Civilian Ukrainians are fleeing the war zone in order to remain safe and find food and housing.  How do these numbers compare with other tragic ev...

When will WORDLE run out of words?

Number Sense Current events Data and probability
  Have you played it yet? If so, do you play it every day? Why do you suppose that this game is so popular? When will there be no new 5-letter words to try?
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