

We found 45 post available for you

Shoprite's solar energy goals on the African continent

Algebra Geometry Math and Science Math and Social Studies Current events Data and probability
  Shoprite is the largest supermarket chain in Africa.  The company is presently engaged in increasing their use of solar power to harness the abundant natural resource of solar potentia...

Man paid in 500 pounds of greasy pennies!

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Current events Ratio and Proportion 3-act tasks Data and probability
    A man from Georgia, Andreas Flaten, finally received his last paycheck from his disgruntled employer. He had been owed that last check for several months and was having difficult...

At least the days are getting longer

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Holidays and Annual Events Current events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
What's your guess?  How fast are the number of daylight hours changing each day?  Are the changes dramatic or subtle? Students make guesses; compute how l...

How much snow is that?

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Ratio and Proportion
Start this activity with: What do you notice? What do you wonder? How many inches of snow produced that pile?  How much snow in volume is on top of the car?  H...


Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Social Studies 3-act tasks
  Act One:  Take a look at the pic. What questions come to mind? Just before Thanksgiving there are competitions all over the world to celebrate cool design, tricky engineering, a...

USPS needs help!

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Current events Data and probability
The U.S. Postal Service has been in the news lately.  Does it seem like your mail takes longer to reach where you have sent it now?  Do you wonder why there are delays and whether things w...

I bought toilet paper online

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Ratio and Proportion Funny
We needed more toilet paper at home but there wasn't any at the store. So, I ordered this online.  When it came I was surprised.  Read on ...

Leslie's socially-distanced party

Algebra Geometry Math and Science
I risked infecting my friends or becoming infected myself by throwing a very small socially-distanced party.  I served baked appetizers, disinfectant wipes, and latex gloves.  I cooked whi...

Microns and Masks

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Math and Social Studies Current events Ratio and Proportion
  How big is one coronavirus? How big is a micron? How well do these masks protect against the virus? What can you observe about the size of particles mentioned? Why are we wearing masks?

Operation Gratitude – Halloween candy buy back

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
This is a great idea! Motivate kids to get rid of all of that candy for a good cause. Operation Gratitude and dentists are encouraging healthy eating, motivated giving, and offering a goo...
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