

We found 232 post available for you

What time is it in Cambodia?

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Science
I need help!  My daughter is traveling in Cambodia and we are supposed to Skype just before her dinner time in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.  What time is that here in Boston?Let you students ...

Storm cleanup

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Ratio and Proportion
This activity could be used as an introduction to trig ratios.  Students figure out the approximate length of the huge branch that I have to fell for safety and firewood. After approximating ...

It sure is cold out ... or is it?

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Data and probability
Students ponder the relationship between place latitudes and average January temperatures while they try to discover a correlation. Is this a linear or near linear relationship? … averaging, mis...

Fast Growing Plant

Algebra Number Sense
This activity/post is a little different than are usual posts.  We look at a particular math concept and consider how to use context, models and CCSS math practices to increase stud...

When is Tebow Time?

Algebra Sports Data and probability
Tim Tebow is the talk of the sporting world.  This Saturday he goes up against Tom Brady and the Patriots in the Playoffs.  I keep hearing about "Tebow Time" and I wonder at what point in ...

Parabolic Pee

Algebra Math and Science
Mr. Mark's new little baby can make some amazingly tall streams.   Give your class a little chuckle as you introduce them to parabolic motion with this very short analysis of Mr. Mark's baby's...

QR codes

Algebra Number Sense
   Your students have probably seen these images around and might not know why they are becoming popular for smart phone scanning ... and possibly dangerous.  Students figure out the n...

Why Does it Stay in Orbit?

Algebra Geometry Math and Science
On Monday, the space shuttle Endeavor launched for the last time. The six astronauts on board docked this morning at the International Space Station to join the 6 astronauts and cosmonauts who l...

Radiation amounts

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science
This investigation will help you and your students to better understand the magnitude of normal, background radiation and the more serious radiation exposure that comes from nuclear accidents.  ...

How many Representatives will your state get in 2011?

Algebra Math and Social Studies
The 2010 U. S. Census is almost complete. One of the most important reasons for the decennial census is to determine the number of Representatives that each state should be assigned for proper rep...
Display 221 - 230 Of total 232