

We found 217 post available for you

The drag in swimming - More Olympics activities

Algebra Math and Science Sports Current events
 To win in Olympic swimming, contestants have to be incredibly fit and have marvelous endurance and technique.  Do they also need to consider the science of their motions and the...

Need to rent some chaise lounges

Algebra Ratio and Proportion
Brian is in Crete and he took a picture of this sign. What do you suppose he's going to ask next? Yep.  "How much will 6 lounges and 2 umbrellas cost?"  And more ... Systems begin. ...

Olympic Skateboarding

Algebra Number Sense Sports Current events Data and probability
We are very excited to see skateboarding as an event in the Tokyo Olympics.  Skateboarding is athletic, artistic and difficult to master.  Why has it taken so long to become an Olympic ...

Ranked Choice Voting in NYC

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Current events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
New York City is still tallying its election results for a new Mayor.  This year they tried Ranked Choice Voting.  What does that mean? How does that work?  What are the ramificat...

Betsy Ross's 5-pointed star

Algebra Geometry Math and Social Studies Math and Art
Flag of the United States from 1777 to 1795.    In honor of Independence Day we thought it would be fun to look at one story about the first American Flag. The rough desig...

Payday loans - What are they?

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Ratio and Proportion
When you need a loan, and you're desperate for help, is a Payday loan a good idea?  What is a PayDay loan?  How is it different from a bank loan or a credit card loan? Students learn ...


Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
In the board game, Monopoly, does a property’s distance from GO correlate to its rent when you land on it? Using Brian’s spread sheet (list of properties, distance from GO, rent and rent with...

Tree for Springtime

Algebra Geometry Math and Art
Here in the Northeast, flowers are blooming and trees are leafing out. We thought the creation of a tree that grows before your eyes might be akin to what is going on all around us. What d...

Can I get your order right?

Algebra Math and Food Data and probability
  You can order a ton of combos at Chipotle.  They advertise that there are 65,000 ways to order their meals.  Do you think that is correct?  Here's an article on the permutatio...

Does an NFL player's draft order mean a lot for the player?

Algebra Sports Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Updated! This Thursday, April 27th, college football players will be awaiting knowing their futures in the NFL.Every spring, roughly 250 college football players are drafted by NFL teams throug...
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