

We found 482 post available for you

Unions and Collective bargaining

Math and Social Studies Data and probability
There is a confrontation going on in Wisconsin (2011). Governor Scott Walker is trying to enact legislation that would limit bargaining rights for most public employees in that state ... fir...

Census is complete and Apportionment begins (2010)

Algebra Math and Social Studies
The 2010 U. S. Census is complete and state reapportionment is about to begin. The process of distributing the 435 Representatives appropriately to each state is a mathematically fascinating eve...

Welcome back to Cleveland Lebron

Algebra Sports
In 2010, Lebron James left the Cleveland Cavaliers to play basketball for the Miami Heat and to play with his friends, Chris Bosh and Dwyane Wade. Lebron just made his return to the area he grew up ...


Number Sense Ratio and Proportion
Disney's animated movie, Tangled, came out in 2010. We've shown students some of the Brothers Grimm's original fairy tale along with giving them a glimpse at the physics involved in the animation of R...

Cholera in Haiti

Math and Science Math and Social Studies
On January 12th of 2010, there was a tremendous, 7.0 magnitude, earthquake in Haiti. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed or injured and a million people became homeless. Then on November 5th...

Benoît Mandelbrot

Algebra Geometry Math and Science Math and Art
In October, 2010, Benoît Mandelbrot died in Cambridge, Massachusetts. To honor his life and work in fractals and natural recurrence, we've created an investigation that teaches students a little a...

How many Representatives will your state get in 2011?

Algebra Math and Social Studies
The 2010 U. S. Census is almost complete. One of the most important reasons for the decennial census is to determine the number of Representatives that each state should be assigned for proper rep...

BP and the stock market updated

Free Stock photos by Vecteezy The oil company, BP, has spent billions of dollars to stop and clean the oil spill, clean the coastline, and settle claims of industry loss and damage in...

Oil Spill Tragedy

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Math and Social Studies
As of May 28th, 2010  it is believed that the early estimate of 210,000 gallons of oil (around 5000 barrels) per day of oil leaking into the Gulf of Mexico was much too low. The flow rate was r...

Chocolate Milk and Mixture

Algebra Math and Food
Image by FreepikChemistry experiments and algebra problems sometimes ask students to create percent mixtures or to change a mixture into a stronger or weaker solution by adding more of an...
Display 471 - 480 Of total 482