

We found 490 post available for you

Gauss and our star of stars

Number Sense Geometry Math and Art
How many stars are in this image and how did you count them? For Adventurer members we have a teaching suggestions and our solution sheet.

How old are you?

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion Wow factor
We usually give our ages in years, but that isn't very precise is it?  In this activity students find their age in days, hours and minutes.  First students take two minutes to estimate the...

Why isn't the World Cup happening now?

Algebra Number Sense Sports Current events Wow factor
The World Cup Finals is only played every 4 years but isn't it always in June?    The World Cup Finals 2022 will be played in Qatar from November 21st until December 18th, 2022. &nbs...

NBA Finals 2022

Number Sense Sports Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
The Celtics will meet the Warriors this year! Teams are competing in the playoffs and the NBA Finals are right around the corner.  Let's do a little sports history and data analysis through ...

The odds of horse race betting

Algebra Number Sense Sports Current events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Rich Strike surprised everyone at the Kentucky Derby horse race in early May by moving from 18th place at the half-way mark (out of 20 horses) to winning the race. Churchill Downs, the track in...

When will they collide?

Algebra Number Sense Funny
Show the video to your class. Give students time to complain and talk about seeing this commercial.  Then take guesses from students about the actual time it would take to collide. &...

Happy Friday the 13th!

Algebra Number Sense Current events Funny
Don't worry, 13 is a Happy number! Students learn a new function and test whether a number is Happy or Sad.

Shooting for Three

Algebra Geometry Sports Data and probability
The NBA court has a 3-point line that separates how many points a player will earn for his team by making a basket from outside of that line. Teams have been shooting more and more th...

What time should I wake up?

Number Sense Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events
I'm going to surprise my mom with breakfast in bed for Mother's Day. She wakes up pretty early. When do I have to wake up to pull this off?

Banana Art "Comedian"

Algebra Number Sense Math and Food Math and Art Ratio and Proportion Funny
What do you think this activity might be about? What do you wonder? How much would you pay for this piece of art? How much profit is involved in this sale? ...
Display 141 - 150 Of total 490