

We found 402 post available for you

What's interesting about this number?

Algebra Number Sense Data and probability
  Why did we put it on YummyMath today? What do you notice about this number? What do you wonder? Do you think that this happens often in a year?

Will one roll be enough?

Number Sense Geometry Holidays and Annual Events Ratio and Proportion
Students can use the man or the basket as a reference as they try to approximate the size of these gifts and how much wrapping paper will actually be needed. Approximation, surface are...

Holiday shipping

Algebra Holidays and Annual Events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Now that the shopping season has begun, it's time to get the packages to your homes.  Two big companies take care of a lot of that shipping.  How do they manage that? The mechanis...

What can you tell about a snowflake?

Geometry Math and Science Math and Art
As a snowflake falls from the sky, its crystal grows according to the humidity and temperatures of the air that it passes through. In this activity, students interpret a graphic that clarifies ...

Wrapping presents on the diagonal

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Holidays and Annual Events
 Dr. Sara Santos is a popular mathematician and speaker on mathematics.  She has worked out a method for wrapping boxes (rectangular prisms) as efficiently as possible. (W...

2 New Macy's Parade balloons

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Holidays and Annual Events Current events Ratio and Proportion
As the Macy's Parade returns to public viewing, here are two balloons that Macy's artists have added. Can you figure out their dimensions? Macy's give their dimensions in bicycle lengths, taxi w...

Shopping season already!

Number Sense Math and Social Studies Holidays and Annual Events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
We used to see holiday sales right after Thanksgiving but, surprisingly, holiday shopping has already begun. Sales are advertised everywhere.  Students will be able to add some understanding an...

Collecting the most candy

Number Sense Geometry Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events
Use your student’s Halloween enthusiasm to do a study on volumes.  We’ve created an activity that asks students to calculate the volume of candy containers that are silly and intriguing. ...

I should have invested!

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
  People who have invested their money in the stock markets could have made a lot of money in recent years.  Students use yearly percent increase data to decide which stock: Apple, Dis...

Which sale would you rather use?

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion
In this short activity, students decide if these two sales are the same. If not, which is better? How would you explain this to someone?
Display 121 - 130 Of total 402