3-act tasks


We found 28 post available for you

How much does the biggest Lego set ever cost?

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion 3-act tasks Data and probability
  Picture from the Verge. Click to see the story. Note: This is a remake of our 2014 "How Much Does a Lego Cost" activity   How much could the...

Have a heart

Number Sense Geometry Math and Social Studies Holidays and Annual Events Math and Art 3-act tasks
Clicking on the image above will show the heart larger in a new window. Canstruction® is an event hosted in more than 150 countries throughout the world to demonstrate "innovation, hunger ...

Big Papi

Algebra Math and Food Sports 3-act tasks
  What do you wonder? How many donuts make up this Big Papi tribute? What would be useful to help you figure this out? The following pictures that will open in new ...

How Many Pennies did Otha Save?

Number Sense Geometry 3-act tasks Data and probability
Otha Anders used picking up pennies as a way to remember to pray.  In this 3-act activity we try to estimate how much he actually collected and stored in 5 gallon water jugs. This ...

How Many Donuts is That?

Number Sense Geometry Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events 3-act tasks Data and probability Wow factor
Act One:  Take a look at the first picture (Krispy-Kreme-photos). What is the first question that comes to mind? How many donuts is that?  What information would be useful?  ...

How much does a Lego cost?

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion 3-act tasks Data and probability
This is a three act task, with an activity guide.  Show students the act one video.  What questions do they have?  How much could the Star Wars kit cost?  Follow the  activi...

How much should you spend on this sale?

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion 3-act tasks Data and probability
This activity can be used in a large range of grade levels.  Your class can work on percents, linear equations or piecewise functions. Act One: We missed the semi-annual sale but we want to get ready...

The tallest structure made of Legos

Number Sense Math and Social Studies Math and Art Ratio and Proportion 3-act tasks Data and probability
Act One: The world record for the tallest structure made of Legos was set in Seoul, South Korea.  Check out this video on youtube! What other questions do you have? Act T...
Display 21 - 28 Of total 28