Total lunar eclipse

2023-11-20 09:44:49

Total lunar eclipse

On the morning of November 8, 2022, many of us will be able to see the last full lunar eclipse until March 2025. Luckily, many of us will be able to see the eclipse pretty close to when we would ordinarily awake.

  • 3:02 am EST The moon enter the outer part of the Earth's shadow.
  • 4:09 am EST you will start to see a "bite" taken out of the moon.
  • From 5:17 a.m to 6:42 am EST the entire moon will be in the Earth's shadow and appear to be a coppery-red color.

In this activity students will come to an understanding of the alignment of the Sun, Moon, and Earth during a total lunar eclipse.  They are asked to deduce from a graphic who will be able to observe the event and who on Earth will have no opportunity. They research and report to the class why the Moon will look reddish during the eclipse.

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