Number Sense


We found 302 post available for you

Ramen noodle heist

Number Sense Geometry Math and Food Ratio and Proportion
In 2018, a truck trailer was stolen from a parking lot in Georgia. The trailer was filled with Ramen noodle packages and its contents were valued at $98,000. What do you wonder about this heist?&...

Do you want to be an NBA virtual fan?

Number Sense Geometry Sports Current events Ratio and Proportion
For health concerns, professional sports now have no actual live fans. To help generate the excitement and semblance of fans, some teams use cardboard cutouts of people.  Some use Zoom screens ...

How big is this hornet really?

Number Sense Geometry Math and Science Current events
Egad !!!!   Giant Asian hornets have now migrated to Washington state and British Columbia.  Even though they are sometimes called "murder hornets" their stings aren't fatal.  The...

Largest s'more ever!

Number Sense Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events Ratio and Proportion
Thursday, August 10, 2023 is National S'more Day. Thanks to Maggie Hefferman, Newton, MA educator, for the idea of this post. To help you celebrate this strange new hol...

How fast will my new puppy mature?

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion
Dudley, born 11/10/2019 Dudley has just come to live with us. He is just a puppy and he is full of energy.  He's settling in well even though this is only day 3 of him living with us. T...

Really stuffed!

Algebra Number Sense Math and Food Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Wow, these cookies look really stuffed! How much more "stuffed" are they compared to Triple Double Oreos, Double Stuf Oreos or even Original Oreos. Does this look yummy to you or gr...

I bought toilet paper online

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Ratio and Proportion Funny
We needed more toilet paper at home but there wasn't any at the store. So, I ordered this online.  When it came I was surprised.  Read on ...

Tiny vacuum with a huge reach

Algebra Number Sense Geometry 3-act tasks
From the vacuum description and advertisement in the PDF, how long do you think its cord must be? Thanks to Brian Shoemaker, Newton, MA teacher, for the idea and pictures.

Sadly, Jorge passed away yesterday.

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
He was a great dog!  We wondered how old he was in human years? Jorge has been part of YummyMath for a long time. Sadly, yesterday he died.  We wondered how old he would ...

Microns and Masks

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Math and Social Studies Current events Ratio and Proportion
  How big is one coronavirus? How big is a micron? How well do these masks protect against the virus? What can you observe about the size of particles mentioned? Why are we wearing masks?
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