

We found 145 post available for you

Olympic Skateboarding

Algebra Number Sense Sports Current events Data and probability
We are very excited to see skateboarding as an event in the Tokyo Olympics.  Skateboarding is athletic, artistic and difficult to master.  Why has it taken so long to become an Olympic ...

Betsy Ross's 5-pointed star

Algebra Geometry Math and Social Studies Math and Art
Flag of the United States from 1777 to 1795.    In honor of Independence Day we thought it would be fun to look at one story about the first American Flag. The rough desig...

How much is a trillion dollars?

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Ratio and Proportion
U.S. Congress is now debating how much money to approve on spending for infrastructure.  The numbers are between 1 and 3 trillion dollars. I can't even fathom that amount of money.  Is the...


Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
In the board game, Monopoly, does a property’s distance from GO correlate to its rent when you land on it? Using Brian’s spread sheet (list of properties, distance from GO, rent and rent with...

Tree for Springtime

Algebra Geometry Math and Art
Here in the Northeast, flowers are blooming and trees are leafing out. We thought the creation of a tree that grows before your eyes might be akin to what is going on all around us. What d...

How much did the tooth fairy give you when you lost a tooth?

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
   Think back to when you were loosing your baby teeth.  What was the going tooth rate in your house? Do you think that, on average, you were paid well or were you disappointed? &nbs...

It's tick time again ... and Lyme disease

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Math and Social Studies Data and probability
With the start of summer and wonderful outdoor activities, it might be good to examine the growth of Lyme disease and to recognize its carrier, the deer tick. Will this be a record ...

Shoprite's solar energy goals on the African continent

Algebra Geometry Math and Science Math and Social Studies Current events Data and probability
  Shoprite is the largest supermarket chain in Africa.  The company is presently engaged in increasing their use of solar power to harness the abundant natural resource of solar potentia...

Will our U.S. flag change yet again?

Algebra Geometry Math and Social Studies Current events
How many stripes are in our present flag?  (The bottom right flag that has been in use since 1960; See the PowerPoint) How many stars? What do the numbers of stars and strip...

Man paid in 500 pounds of greasy pennies!

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Current events Ratio and Proportion 3-act tasks Data and probability
    A man from Georgia, Andreas Flaten, finally received his last paycheck from his disgruntled employer. He had been owed that last check for several months and was having difficult...
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