

We found 63 post available for you

How can Nike give away so much great stuff?

Algebra Number Sense Sports Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Worldwide Nike supports many teams and athletes.  They design, manufacture, and supply gear for almost every sport imaginable. How much are those give-aways worth?  Is the company going ...

How long would it take to build this underground house and pool?

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Social Studies 3-act tasks
The building of this underground house and pool was presented by Cayote Person and his partner, Mark Lavins, on their youtube channel, "Brave Wilderness." At the busin...

President's Pay for Presidents' Day

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
You can't run for President now, but heck, 2036 is right around the corner. Being President of the United States will be quite an accomplishment and a ton of work.   But, how...

Choosing the NBA All-Star team

Algebra Number Sense Sports Current events Ratio and Proportion
The weekend of February 14 - 16 will be all about the NBA All-Stars. The two team captains are Giannis Antetokounmpo (Milwaukee Bucks) and LeBron James (Los Angeles Lakers). These guys ...

New Horizons spacecraft just flew by a really distant asteroid

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Current events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Brian May, the lead guitarist of the rock band, Queen, is also an astrophysicist and one of the science team collaborators of the New Horizons space program. The video below is the song that he wrot...

Fantasy Football

Algebra Number Sense Sports Holidays and Annual Events
In the midst of another NFL season, we introduce students to Fantasy Football. Students first calculate football points given touchdowns, yardage gains and interceptions. They are then challenge...

Sol LeWitt's pyramid - How might you count those blocks?

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Art
  Sol LeWitt, Four Sided Pyramid, 1999, Hirshhorn Museum Sculpture Garden, Washington DC Sol LeWitt (1928 - 2007) was a an American artist involved in Conceptual art and Minimalism. &n...

Jackie Robinson

Algebra Math and Social Studies Sports Data and probability
April 15th, 1947 was a date to remember.  Jackie Robinson became the first African-American baseball player to play in Major League Baseball since the game was segregated in the 1890s. Robinson...

Holiday candy sales

Algebra Number Sense Holidays and Annual Events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Which holidays are associated with candy? For which of those holidays is the most candy sold? What percents of annual candy sales does each holiday contribute? Consider using some in...

Population Clock

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
How in the world does this clock conclude that there is a net gain in the United States of one person every 14 seconds? Have a little care about younger children when using this activity. T...
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