

We found 82 post available for you

$10,000 a week or $10 million all at once?

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Ratio and Proportion Wow factor
This activity is accessible to student elementary through high school with varying depth of study. Would you rather have $10,000 a week or $10 million all at once? What kinds of things do we nee...

10 Million nematodes

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science
Nematodes Grubs are killing my grass.  I don't want to put poison into the ground.  What can I do? There are tiny roundworms called beneficial nematodes. They can kill destructive so...

Leicester City Foxes - from underdogs to Champions

Algebra Number Sense Sports
Recently, to the surprise and elation of England and the world, the Leicester City Foxes became the winners of the British football association's Premier League.  What was the big deal?  L...


Algebra Number Sense Math and Science
  I'm trying to be more savy about wasting our resources.  I have really old fashioned toilets and I'm trying to figure out if I should invest in saving water.  Can you help me? For...

Double Discount

Algebra Number Sense
   Wow, check out this sale!  I'm gonna be able to get this great hoodie so cheap!   If I use the promo code what will be the total percent off?

Figuring planting dates

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science
  It's time to get ready to plant my garden again. But here in Boston we have to start our seeds indoors to give them a head start before we can put plants outside. How should I fi...

Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan to give away 99% of their shares of Facebook

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Ratio and Proportion
  That sounds like an awful lot of their Facebook shares.  They want to help create a better world for their daughter, Max. I wonder if they will have enough left over to live on? The...

Oreo Stuffiness

Number Sense Math and Food Ratio and Proportion
There is yet another Oreo... This activity builds off the work that Dan Anderson's math class revealed about Original Oreos and Double Stuff Oreos. Students begin by working with the weight of just...

How Much is a Tweet Worth?

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Sports Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
These days it seems everyone is on social media. Are you? Famous athletes and entertainers are on social media and they can make a lot of money.  In this activity students study how ...

Movie tickets over time

Algebra Movies and Entertainment Data and probability
How Much Will Movie Tickets Cost in the Future? - Updated! In this investigation, Brian looks at the changes in movie ticket prices over the last 38 years. Using his scatter plot (or his data) studen...
Display 61 - 70 Of total 82