tags: Unit rate

tags: Unit rate
We found 40 post available for you

Green, green river

Algebra Number Sense Holidays and Annual Events Ratio and Proportion
During the St. Patrick's Day parade in Chicago, the local plumbers union dyes the Chicago River emerald green. Students learn what PPM (parts per million) means and  attempt to figure ...

Which TV is the Best Deal?

Number Sense Geometry
Check out the TVs.  All have essentially the same features, only the size of the screen varies.  Which TV do you think is the best deal? Explore area and unit pricing to determine which H...

Raising the bar

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Ratio and Proportion
Recovery of the treasure from the 1941 sinking of the S.S. Gairsoppa was recently completed and a huge amount of silver was brought up from the ocean floor.  Let your students get a fe...

Big gulp

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Math and Food
Do you or your students love sugary drinks?  What if it were against the law to order a large sugary drink where you lived?  On September 13th, 2012 the New York City Health Department ban...


Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Math and Food Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
There have been a lot of cruise ship mishaps and disasters this year. While these are in the news, let your students consider how these floating cities manage their resources and which of their need...

Voyager on the edge

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Ratio and Proportion
The two Voyager space probes are in the news recently as they approach the edge of our solar system.  Scientist can tell that the Voyager's environments are changing.  They are receiving m...


Number Sense Geometry Math and Science Math and Food Ratio and Proportion
Brian loves Twinkies and the news that Hostess is going out of business has upset him terribly.  He needs his Twinkies.  Twinkies last forever.  Right?  He's going ...

The tallest structure made of Legos

Number Sense Math and Social Studies Math and Art Ratio and Proportion 3-act tasks Data and probability
Act One: The world record for the tallest structure made of Legos was set in Seoul, South Korea.  Check out this video on youtube! What other questions do you have? Act T...


Algebra Number Sense Sports Ratio and Proportion
Jeremy Lin is the New York Knicks most startling player.  His story is exciting in that he graduated from Harvard in 2010 and was not immediately drafted into the NBA.  At first he was...

First ipad

Number Sense
Image by catalyststuff on Freepik Use Brian's activity to analyze its costs, price per GB, and sales prediction...
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