There have been a lot of cruise ship mishaps and disasters this year. While these are in the news, let your students consider how these floating cities manage their resources and which of their need...
Act One:
The world record for the tallest structure made of Legos was set in Seoul, South Korea. Check out this video on youtube!
What other questions do you have?
Act T...
Tim Tebow is the talk of the sporting world. This Saturday he goes up against Tom Brady and the Patriots in the Playoffs. I keep hearing about "Tebow Time" and I wonder at what point in ...
Lately the news is filled with talk of the Euro, US foreign debt, the fragility of European monetary systems, and the interdependence of all of these crisis.
In this activity students become fami...
Updated November 2022! The video game world is constantly changing and improving. With the recent new products like the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X we wondered what are the best sel...