Clean Close Shave

2023-11-20 09:44:31

Clean Close Shave

Take a look at the infographic.  What do you see? What do you think?  What do you wonder? [caption id="attachment_16099" align="aligncenter" width="420"]facial-hair-qb-rating Image from West Coast Shaving. Clicking on this image will show it expandable in a new window. Just click a second time on the image to expand it.[/caption]

In this lesson students compare NFL QB rating of quarterbacks with and without facial hair.  This task can be used to explore a number of math ideas such as sampling, causation versus correlation, misleading data, measures of central tendency, variability and data visualization.  Questions to consider:

  • Is this enough data to definitively say that facial hair improves quarterback performance?
  • How might we collect a stronger set of data?
  • Does facial hair cause improved quarterback performance or is it a correlation?
  • How can we collect data to show that facial hair reduces quarterback performance?
  • Which measure of central tendency best represents the data?
  • What type of graph or plot can be used to display the data?

The activity: Should_Quarterbacks_grow_facial_hair.pdf

For members we have an editable Word docx, an Excel sheet of the data and graph, and solutions.

Should_Quarterbacks_grow_facial_hair.docx          Facial_Hair_Excel File.xlsx       Should_Quarterbacks_grow_facial_hair__Solutions.pdf

CCSS: 6.SP.1, 6.SP.3, 6.SP.4, 7.SP.1, 7.SP.2, 7.SP.3, 7.SP.4, HSS.ID.A.2, HSS.ID.C.9
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