Shooting for Three

2023-11-20 09:44:47

Shooting for Three

The NBA court has a 3-point line that separates how many points a player will earn for his team by making a basket from outside of that line. Teams have been shooting more and more three's, but should they be and why? Start your class off with this this video of some amazing 3-pointers: Great 3-pointers video

Are all three point shots equal?  Is the three point shot worth it?  In this activity students read graphs, find distances using either scale or the distance formula, and work with probability and expected value.  Students might also do some reasoning with arcs of circles.  Please note - as students find the distance of the three point line from the rim, they should use the center of the rim. 

For Adventurer members we have the an editable Word docx, our data and chart in an Excel sheet, and solutions.

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